30th May - 1st June 2013, Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisbon, Portugal
The 57th ECCE General Meeting will be combined with the Conference "Changes in Civil Engineering" organized by ECCE and Ordem dos Engenheiros. The Conference will be held on Friday 31st May 2013, 14:30 - 19:00, at the Ordem dos Engenheiros Palace.
Below you can find useful informational material about the Meeting and Conference:
Material of the 57th ECCE General Meeting
Photos from the 57th ECCE General Meeting:
Opening of the 57th ECCE General Meeting.
From left to right: ECCE Immediate Past President Gorazd Humar, OE President Carlos Matias Ramos, ECCE President Fernando Branco, College of Civil Engineers Board Member Luis Oliveira Santos
57th ECCE General Assembly
From left to right: OE President Carlos Matias Ramos, ECCE President Fernando Branco
ECCE President Fernando Branco and ECCE President Elect Wlodzimierz Szymczak signing the Agreement of Cooperation between ECCE and the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
ECCE President Fernando Branco, JSCE President Takehiko Ono and ECCE President Elect Wlodzimierz Szymczak signing the Agreement of Cooperation between ECCE and the Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
In the back from left to right: Nick Zygouris (ECCE ExBo Member), Carlos Matias Ramos (OE President), Massimo Mariani (ECCE ExBo Member), Gorazd Humar (ECCE Immediate Past President), Jose Francisco Saez Rubio (ECCE ExBo Member), Vincentas Stragys (ECCE Vice President/ Honorary Treasurer), Katsuro Sugihara (JSCE delegate)
JSCE President Takehiko Ono and ECCE President Fernando Branco
ECCE ExBo and JSCE delegation
Group photo
Social event, Civil Engineering Students' band
Official dinner hosted by the Ordem dos Engenheiros
Material of the ECCE/OE Conference "Changes in Civil Engineering"
Photos from the ECCE/OE Conference:
ECCE/OE Conference "Changes in Civil Engineering"
ECCE/OE Conference "Changes in Civil Engineering"
ECCE President Fernando Branco
OE President Carlos Matias Ramos
17.01.2013 :: Print Page