29 - 30 May 2015, Royal Continental Hotel, Naples, Italy
The 61st ECCE General Meeting celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the European Council of Civil Engineers and it was held on 29th – 30th May 2015 in Naples, Italy at the Royal Continental Hotel hosted by the National Council of Italian Engineers (CNI). All efforts were made to organize a magnificent and memorable event for this important moment in ECCE’s history.
This festive General Meeting was combined with the Conference “Artistic and Monumental Heritage – Restoration, Safeguard and Enhancement” organized by CNI that took place on Friday 29th May 2015.
The opening of the 61st ECCE General Meeting on Friday morning as well as the Conference were held at the Basilica di San Giovanni Maggiore a Pignatelli, which is one of the most important and beautiful monuments in Naples.
Please find below material from the 61st ECCE General Meeting:
Photos from the 61st ECCE General Meeting:
Group photo
CICCP President Santamera receiving an award from ECCE President
Nicola Monda, CNI Councilor for International Affairs, receiving an award from ECCE President
ECCE President giving a gift to Mirko Oreskovic who is retiring from ECCE
ECCE President presenting the two delegates from the Association of Civil Engineers of Romania who became ECCE Associate Member
From left to right: ECCE Vice President/President Elect Massimo Mariani, ECCE President Wlodzimierz Szymczak, ECCE Immediate Past President Fernando Branco, ECCE General Secretary Maria Karanasiou
ECCE General Meeting participants
ECCE General Meeting Participants
ECCE General Meeting participants
ECCE Executive Board Meeting
02.03.2015 :: Print Page