28 September 2022, Online via Zoom
The European Council of Civil Engineers organized an online event on the topic "Engineering the New European Bauhaus: Reframing the Bauhaus framework from theory to practice".
The New European Bauhaus is an initiative by the European Commission which aims to connect the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences. It calls on all of us, be it citizens, experts, businesses, or institutions, to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls. In addition to creating a platform for experimentation and connection, the initiative supports positive change also by providing access to EU funding for beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive projects.
The European Council of Civil Engineers organized the online event "Engineering the New European Bauhaus: Reframing the Bauhaus framework from theory to practice" in an effort to shed some light on the NEB framework from the point of view of civil engineers, bringing the focus from theory to practice.
What does "beautiful – sustainable – together" mean for civil engineers? How can civil engineers apply the three NEB principles in their work and projects? How can civil engineers contribute to the success of the NEB initiative?
We invite you to join us for an afternoon of interesting presentations and a panel discussion on the NEB initiative through the eyes of the civil engineering community. Let's open a dialogue and share our views and experiences.
Ms Savina Carluccio
Executive Director, International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI)
Dr. Nikos D. Lagaros
Dean at the School of Civil Engineering and Professor of Structural Optimization at the Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Ms Paula Kirk
Arup Global Leader, Climate and Sustainability Portfolio
Dr Jeanette Muñoz Abela
Architect and Civil Engineer, ECCE Executive Board Member
16:45 – 17:00 Admission of attendees
17:00 – 17:05 Welcome by the moderator, Dr. Jeanette Muñoz Abela
17:05 – 17:10 Welcome by the ECCE President, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Brandner
17:10 – 17:30 "Rethinking the role of Engineers" Ms Savina Carluccio
17:30 – 17:50 "Sustainable structural design in AEC industry. The challenge of Structural Optimization", by Dr. Nikos D. Lagaros
17:50 – 18:10 "Engineering a more sustainable and inclusive future", by Ms Paula Kirk
18:10 – 18:50 Q&A and Panel discussion
18:50 – 19:00 Wrap-up by the moderator and closing remarks by the ECCE President
08.09.2022 :: Print Page