European Council


Civil Engineers

65th ECCE General Meeting

2 - 3 June 2017, Antalya, Turkey

The 65th ECCE General Meeting was held on 2 - 3 June 2017, in Antaly, Turkey hosted by the Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers (TCCE).

The meeting was held at the Crystal Tat Beach Golf Resort & Spa were accommodation for the participants was also be provided.


Press Release - 65th ECCE General Meeting


The materials of the 65th ECCE GM can be found below: 


Photographs from the meeting:

65th ECCE General Meeting group photo


ECCE ExBo and TCCE leadership dinner


From left to right: ECCE Acting President Wlodzimierz Szymczak, TCCE President Cemal Gökçe


ECCE Acting President Wlodzimierz Szymczak


TCCE President Cemal Gökçe


ECCE National Delegate for Turkey Prof. Tuğrul Tankut


ECCE Vice President / President Elect Aris Chatzidakis


ECCE ExBo Member Jose Francisco Saez Rubio


ACE President Aydin Piriyev (Azerbaijan)


ECCE Acting President welcoming ACE President Aydin Piriyev to ECCE 


ECCE National Delegate for Cyprus George Demetriou


GSCE President Iuri Svanidze (ECCE National Delegate for Georgia)



GSCE representative Mirian Kalabegishvili presenting the GSCE project proposal


ICE (UK) delegate Ingrid Farmer 


ECCE Honorary Vice President Hermann Sturm (ZDI delegate)


EAMC Secretary General Nicola Monda


65th ECCE GM


65th ECCE GM


65th ECCE GM


















08.04.2017 :: PDF Print Page