European Council


Civil Engineers

ECCE becomes an official partner of the New European Bauhaus initiative

Beautiful | Sustainable | Together

The European Council of Civil Engineers is joining the New European Bauhaus movement promoted by the European Commission, a network of thinkers, planners, architects, designers, businesspeople, students and citizens who, through a process of collective creation, will work to carry out innovative initiatives and solutions that encourage inclusive, accessible, sustainable and pleasant environments in which to cohabit after the pandemic.

The New European Bauhaus.

"We will set up a new European Bauhaus – a co-creation space where architects, artists, students, engineers, designers work together," European Comission President Ursula von der Leyen stated, "I want NextGenerationEU to kickstart a European renovation wave and make our Union a leader in the economy,"

A creative and interdisciplinary initiative that will give us the opportunity to design future ways of living and cohabiting wherever art, culture, social inclusion, science and technology are found. The New European Bauhaus is a think-do tank that wants to build a sustainable future through creativity, innovation and imagination.

The New European Bauhaus will develop over three stages. Co-design, to give shape to proposals through participative co-creation. Results, to develop a framework in which to test them through pilot programmes. And Dissemination, to present the results and endow them with funding. In this last one, the systematic exchange of knowledge between participants and professionals will be very important: establishing the best methods, solutions and prototypes to make them available to cities, localities, architects and designers.


European Council of Civil Engineers statement

The idea behind the New European Bauhaus movement is that the climate emergency can be faced from a multidisciplinary perspective and with the ultimate goal of reaching a circular economy bringing together the construction and the culture sector, thus considering beauty and humanity values together with a greener architecture. So, it opens the door to a more holistic approach to our built environment.

The European Council of Civil Engineers would like to bring forward and highlight the importance of structural safety of the buildings which unfortunately has not been considered at least to the necessary extent.


New European Bauhaus official partners list

25.05.2021 :: PDF Print Page