The purpose of Civil Engineering is to improve living conditions for mankind, always safeguarding life, health and property.
A Civil Engineer is a servant of society and a promoter of culture and quality of life.
A Civil Engineer must survey and analyse the demands of the present and anticipate future developments.
A Civil Engineer should treat this Code actively as a set of dynamic principles.
1. The society
An Engineer:
will act with integrity and have full regard to the public interest;
will have due regard for the Health and Safety of the public and other colleagues and employees;
will endeavour to improve public knowledge of the benefits of Civil Engineering;
will express professional opinion only when founded on adequate knowledge;
will reject bribery in all forms;
will seek opportunities to be of constructive service in civic affairs.
2. The environment
An Engineer:
will understand the effect of his/her work on society and the natural environment;
will further the aims of sustainable development and change;
will be committed to improving the environment and enhancing the quality of life wherever possible;
will recognise the interdependence of the planet’s ecosystems and their capacity to assimilate change due to Civil Engineering activity;
will ensure the minimal adverse effects on the environment;
will promote the use of renewable and recycled materials;
will strive to accomplish his/her work with the lowest possible use of natural resources.
3. The profession
An Engineer:
will uphold the standard of his profession and will co-operate in extending the effectiveness of the profession;
will avoid all conduct likely to discredit or injure the dignity and honour of the profession;
will endeavour to protect the profession from misrepresentation.
4. The clients / employers
An Engineer:
will act as a faithful agent of his/her client/employer and with fairness and justice to all parties;
will make clear to his/her client/employer upon appointment any interest or potential conflict of interest;
will ensure the practices are not dangerous to life or property or if a risk exists ensure the client/employer and other parties are fully aware of the risks involved;
will present clearly the consequences to his/her client/employer if his/her engineering judgement is overruled;
will not disclose confidential information and business matters without the consent of his/her client/employer;
will not accept commissions from third parties in connection with work he/she is undertaking for a client/employer;
will disclose to his/her client/employer any interest in a business which may be in competition;
will not accept commissions in areas where he/she is not competent to practice;
will advise his/her client/employer when, as a result of study, he/she believes a project will be unsuccessful;
will not accept professional work outside his/her regular employment without the knowledge of his/her employer.
5. The other Civil Engineers
An Engineer:
will ensure credit for work is given to those to whom credit is due;
will afford assistance to further the education, training and professional development of himself and other engineers and prospective members of the profession;
will not injure the professional reputation, prospects or practice of another Engineer;
will report the facts to the appropriate authority if he/she believes another Engineer is guilty or unethical or illegal practice.
May 2000