European Council


Civil Engineers

Development & Business Environment

Standing Commitee

From January 2014 the ECCE Executive Board appointed Mr. Hamish Douglas as Chairman of the Standing Committee on Development & Business Environment.

Hereunder, you can find his suggested Activity Programme which will be finalized during the first Session of the SC D&BE under Hamish Douglas' Chairmanship during the 59th ECCE General Meeting.


1.    To strengthen relations with European institutions and other professional organizations / associations
Short Term
o    To attend the meetings of the European Construction Forum on behalf of ECCE. To gather information from the ECCE member organisations before the meetings, in order to represent ECCE member organisations’ views at the meeting, and to disseminate the contents in a timely fashion after the meetings.
Long Term
o    To investigate if there are any other EU organisations that ECCE should become a member of or meetings that should be attended.

2.    To follow further development of concerned EU legal regulations
Short Term
o    Investigate the possibility of ECCE paying for an EU monitoring service. To forward information to the Secretary for distribution to the ECCE member organisations.
Medium Term
o    To inform the Executive Board and GA of any legislation that is of importance to Civil Engineers but that is not relevant to one of the current Standing Committees. When appropriate, and if required, to gather position statements from the ECCE member organisations to prepare responses to consultations or position papers in this instance, on behalf of ECCE.
o    To collaborate with ECEC and FEANI when appropriate to prepare responses to consultations or produce position papers representing the views of all Engineering organisations in the EU.
Long Term
o    Investigate the possibility of ECCE having a presence in Brussels – possibility of a (shared) consultant or (shared) office.

3.    To bring up current civil engineering issues to other ECCE Standing Committee
o    Regular Catch Ups with the other Standing Committee Chairs to understand what information would be most suitable for the areas they are concentrating on. To forward relevant information to them in a timely fashion.

4.    To promote the image of ECCE
o    To work with the Executive Board and General Assembly to help prepare for the European Engineers Day.



Materials from the 58th ECCE General Meeting:

Other Materials:


Chairman of the SC Development & Business Environment, Karlheinz Zachmann

SC D&BE Session

SC D&BE Session